Photography 'Meetup'

4 Sept 2014

While I love that I can spend hours wandering the streets of London with just my camera in tow, it's always fun to meet fellow photographers to not only gain tips but also to see things from a different viewpoint. After hearing about the site and app Meetup from my trendy mother, I jumped straight in and went to a photography class and tour of Highgate Cemetery at the weekend.

This famous cemetery dates back to 1839 and is home to Karl Marx, Douglas Adams, George Elliot and Jeremy Beadle to name but a few and really is one of the most tranquil places I've been to in London.

Flowers Highgate Cemetery

Ivy Grave Highgate Cemetery

Grave Highgate Cemetery Candle

Flower Rose Highgate Cemetery

Highgate Cemetery MeetupHighgate Cemetery Meetup

Highgate Cemetery

Highgate Cemetery Robin

Highgate Cemetery

Highgate Cemetery

Highgate Cemetery

Highgate Cemetery

Highgate CemeteryFlower Rose Highgate Cemetery

Highgate Cemetery

Highgate Cemetery

Highgate CemeteryHighgate Cemetery

Highgate Cemetery

Highgate Cemetery

Highgate Cemetery

Highgate Cemetery

Highgate Cemetery Angel

Highgate Cemetery Tombstone

Highgate Cemetery

Highgate Cemetery

Highgate Cemetery

Highgate Cemetery

Highgate CemeteryHighgate Cemetery

Highgate Cemetery

Highgate Cemetery

Highgate Cemetery

Highgate Cemetery

Highgate Cemetery Karl Marx

Highgate Cemetery Karl Marx

Rose Pink

There are a range of different groups you can join, but I highly recommend this one! Check it out here!

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