Pavlova Time

21 Jun 2013

Today is the longest day in the year. Despite the monsoonal rain in London I declare it officially summer!

What symbolises summer better than a cold cider and a fruity pavlova shaped dessert!

When the sun is actually shining, the last thing you want to be doing is slaving over a hot stove cooking! That is why pavlova is your summer saviour. It has the grand appearance, but with very minimal effort! And only two main ingredients!

Once again Delia is helping me out.

what you'll need

3 large egg whites
175g caster sugar

for the topping

raspberries or any summer fruit you fancy
whipping cream (the more the better!)
maybe a sprinkle of icing sugar (depending how sweet the fruit is)

whisk (preferably an electric whisk unless you have guns like serena)
baking tray
grease proof paper

Preheat the oven to 160C

recipe. check. eggs. check. sugar. check. scales. check

see it's so easy!

separate the egg whites from the yolks, making sure not a drop of yolk sneaks in otherwise you'll have to start again!

whisk the eggs whites until peaks form and you can hold it safely above your head without it slopping all over you!

gradually stir in the sugar until it looks something like this... lemon squeezy

please note - this next stage has to be done on grease proof paper only- so that you can peel it off after cooking! Trust me do not use an alternative unless you want pavlova with a touch of foil..

dollop the mixture in a ring of circles and start to fill in the middle so that the sides join.

finally use the end of a knife or skewer to make small swirls on each of the outer circles.

Turn down the oven to 140C and cook for an hour until golden :)

whip up the cream and splodge generously into the centre of you pavlova, adding any soft summer fruit you desire! Add a little icing sugar just to sweeten the deal...

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