NYC tourist

9 Aug 2013

Despite our trip to NYC feeling like an eternity ago, I am yet to finish sorting out my photos! In order to keep the Yankee dream alive for a little longer, I've decided to post sporadically about this fine city until I've well and truly exhausted it!

After Sam left us for Ohio, Don and I stepped it up a gear and had a manic day of sightseeing. We went cheesy and old school starting with the Staten Island Ferry...

New York Staten Island

It's free and you get the best views of the NYC skyline

New York CIty

New York CIty

And of course the one and only Lady Liberty..

New York CIty Statue Liberty

New York CIty Statue Liberty

New York CIty Statue Liberty

New York CIty Statue Liberty

After getting up close and personal we were inspired...

New York CIty Statue Liberty

New York CIty

And then we just couldn't resist the draw of the empire....

New York CIty Empire State

It's a whacking 102 storeys high, standing 443m off the ground! Having just been up the London Shard (308m) the extra 100m is very noticeable!

New York CIty Empire State

With no queue!!!! we were up in minutes and boy was it worth it....

New York CIty Empire State

New York CIty Empire State

New York CIty Empire State

New York CIty Empire State

New York CIty Empire State

New York CIty Empire State

New York CIty Empire State

We spied some familiar sites.... and luckily my camera has a good zoom! the Flatiron building (a mere 87m) for one...

New York CIty Empire State Flatiron

and Brooklyn Bridge

New York CIty Empire State Brooklyn Bridge

New York CIty Empire State

New York CIty Empire State

For someone who has no fear of heights, even I felt a bit woozy so time for one joint snap and then time to head down!

The travel bug has hit me again and I'm for a cheeky weekend in Paris tonight, so have a good one and catch you on the other side!

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